Tips for Lawn and Grass Care
Lawn and grass care is something that is going to be very important for you to deal with when you are working on your own lawn, or helping someone else work on theirs. It is important that you know there are many things that you can do for your lawn and grass in order to care for it correctly. There are several small things that even the most inexperienced lawn and grass care provider can give.
In order to be successful in your lawn and grass care, be sure to keep in simple. Nothing works better to care for a lawn than simply keeping up with the mowing and raking that needs to be done. If you are willing to keep in simple and just do the work that needs to be done, you are going to be seeing great success when it comes to lawn and grass care. Mow your lawn when it needs to be mowed, and keep up with the yard waste removal. Be sure to remove dead grass or add it to a compost heap, don’t just leave it in the lawn, because this might kill new or younger grass, and it will make your yard look sloppy.
Water is the Key to Lush Landscaping
Another thing that you can be sure to do when it comes to lawn and grass care is to make sure that your lawn is properly watered. This might be hard to do in the summer months, but you will be rewarded if you can keep your lawn fresh and nice looking all year round. Water your grass often and take care to do it correctly. The best times to water grass are before it gets hot, or even after the sun goes down for the day. Watering at dawn and dusk are great ways to conserve water and make sure that your lawn can stay healthy.
If it is a very hot summer, and if you are in a drought with watering restrictions, it might be a good idea when it comes to your lawn and grass care, to let the lawn go to seed for the year. If you leave it alone it will appear to die, but it will instead simply be going dormant. This is going to allow you to have a new lawn the following year, and will also help you to save water. Of course, you must still take care to water any new grass that you have planted, because this grass might not survive going to seed for the year. Be sure that you keep new grass wet and water it very often.