Providing Bermuda Grass Lawn Care
Bermuda grass is a sun loving grass, found mostly in the Southern parts of the United States from California to the East Coast. It is a grass that ranges from course to fine texture, and is very tolerant to droughts, making them a good “medium-plus” turf grass. Moderate Bermuda grass lawn care is required however, as well as regular mowing and maintenance. Bermuda grass lawn care varies, but there are specific ways to care for your lawn depending on the season. March through May requires you to get your lawn ready for the summer months. Mowing is an excellent place to start.
Most Bermuda grass lawn care dictates that you start mowing at the first sign of spring, with a mower set at ¾ to 1 inch. This allows you to mow as close as possible without scalping the lawn. Practice grass cycling which is where you leave your grass clippings on the lawn so that it provides your lawn with up to 25% of their fertilizing needs. This also applies to the summer months up until September.
Applying fertilizer in both the spring and summer months, once at the beginning of each season will help turn your grass into the lush thick grass you have always wanted to. Bermuda grass lawn care also includes a large amount of watering. Bermuda grass needs at the least an inch to 1 ½ inches per week to assure a quality grass. This is for both the spring and summer months. Spring is when you apply the pesticides if needed to control the insects and growing weeds. In the summer months you may only have to perform a spot treatment if needed, so be on the lookout for expanding weeds during this time.
Winter Bermuda Grass Lawn Care
Before the first sign of freezing, mow your Bermuda grass at 1 inch before the grass gets higher than 1 ½ inches. You can leave the grass clippings there unless they are massive amounts, and in that case you want to remove the extra clippings because of the weight under the snow. Raking leaves is important in this case, as Bermuda grass is easily damaged because of its fragility.
You do not need to fertilize if your Bermuda grass has been over seeded. Bermuda grass lawn care requires you to water it however, even in the winter months, if you have a few days with warm or windy weather. Watering is particularly important if your lawn has been over seeded, especially in winter. To control blue grass which is a type of week that is specific to Bermuda grass, apply a fertilizer in November or December. Broadleaf herbicides are effective in keeping weeds such as chickweed, henbit, and clover from growing during the winter. Bermuda grass lawn care is necessary to keep your lawn looking its best, so make sure to follow a regimented schedule.