Dealing with Lawn Care with Dogs
If you have dogs, you have probably just assumed that your lawn is never going to look nice, and so you shouldn’t even bother trying to make it look better. Dogs can be horrible for lawns. They can rip things up, go to the bathroom all over, and dig holes. They can mess with trees and lawn ornaments, and they can generally make your lawn care much harder. However, it is possible to have good lawn care with dogs, and here are some tips for doing so.
First things first
First, remember that your dog doesn’t need to have control over your whole yard. If you have fenced in back or front yard that you want him to have control over, you might have to sacrifice that yard, because it is simply a lot of work to insure that a dog doesn’t hurt a yard. However, you can make these yards a bit better to look at. First of all, if you use rocks to outline your flowerbeds, or to use in the place of flower beds, against your house, the dogs will be much less likely to dig in the rocks, and your lawn care with dogs will be much easier because you wont’ have to worry about them digging up your flowers. When you have dogs, lawn care with a little extra effort will bring positive results.
Also, if you put stones around the base of trees, or fence the tree in, in some way, the dog is going to be much less likely to dig up the tree. This is very important to lawn care with dogs, because if a dog digs at the base of at tree, they might really hurt the roots of the tree and it isn’t going to be a pretty site. Be sure that you are able to protect your trees from your dogs.
Cleaning Up Is A Must with Dogs and Lawn Care
Perhaps the worst part of lawn care with dogs is dealing with the bathroom messes that your dogs will leave in the yard. If it is there territory, and if they have free reign over the yard, they are going to go to the bathroom there. You can easily clean up these messes with a pooper scooper. You should do this once every couple of days. You can even try putting the entire poop into one area, which will help your dog learn to go in a certain place. You can also have a compost garbage can simply for that reason, which will make it much easier to clean up.