Many Spring Lawn Care Tips
Spring is one of the most important times of the year when it comes to lawn care. You might not think so, but spring lawn care tips are very important to you when it comes to taking care of your lawn and having a nice looking lawn for the rest of the year. When it comes to spring lawn care tips, there are some that are much more important than others.
First of all, you should be sure that your lawn is ready for the spring. Get all of the leaves and sticks and winter garbage out of your lawn when the snow melts. Be sure that you are taking care of your lawn right away in the spring, don’t wait too long to start raking.
The sooner you get started after the grown has thawed, the better off you are going to be when it comes to the new grass coming up. This is one of the best spring lawn care tips that you will ever get. However, be sure that you are not using a hard rake or one with metal tongs. These are going to rip out the baby grass and are going to damage the lawn. Be sure that you use a plastic rake, and rake very gently in the spring. You don’t want to pull out the grass at the roots. This is a spring lawn care tip that is often ignored, and with dire consequences.
Plant Seeds Right Away
Another important thing to remember is to seed early if you have patches of grass that just aren’t coming up. Seed takes a couple of weeks to get started, so put down the seed as soon as you know there isn’t going to be grass there, or earlier if you have kept track of where grass didn’t grow the year before. You are going to be able to see results much sooner if you seed as soon as the ground thaws.
Also remember that a good spring lawn care tip is to make sure you are watering as often as you should be. Even with the snow residue, the lawn is going to need a lot of water in the spring because it is going to be very dry and the sun will be very hot. Watering right away in the spring is a great way to make sure that your lawn looks great all summer long.