Lawn Care: Keeping it Spring Green
With proper care, your spring green lawn can stay that way despite the threats that it might face. Major problems to watch out for are weed-growth, fungal attacks, and insect pests. Keeping your lawn healthy requires paying close attention to any changes in appearance. This article is focused on a major enemy of the dandelion. Joking aside, weeds are a major annoyance, especially something that sticks out like a sore thumb like the dandelion. You’ve given your beautiful spring green lawn loving care, but one day as you are happily mowing away, you spot a fuzzy head poking out of your perfect green oasis. Once it’s there, it’s going to be a pain in the butt to get rid of.
Before it gets to that point, consider using a pre-emergent herbicide specifically for broad-leafed weeds like the dandelion. It is reported that isoxaben, which is available for commercial use, may be particularly effective against broadleaf weeds if applied to the soil before the seeds can germinate. Once established however, your only options are using post-emergent herbicides or actually pulling the dandelion out.
Considering the fact that dandelions have long, long taproots, it can be difficult and time-consuming task as they can grow up to 10 inches in length. Notoriously brittle and prone to breakage, if even a small piece of the taproot is left in the ground, the weed will regenerate. Despite all your care, your spring green lawn will likely suffer future outbreaks if you take this approach.
They’re Here – Run for Your Lives!
You might want to run screaming from your fuzzy little enemy, or tear your hair out, but assuming you choose not to do either, what do you do? Well, the most commonly used post-emergent herbicide is Weed-B-Gone. This is probably one of your best bets after they’re established, as it specifically targets the weed itself and leaves your lawn blissfully unharmed. Apparently, it is possible to apply vinegar as a more non-toxic and environmentally friendly option, but its use requires that you apply it directly to the dandelion. Exercise care, or your spring green lawn will turn brown should you accidentally dose your grass with vinegar.
Failing that, you could always give up the idea of spring green lawn care entirely and give your yard over to the dandelions. Interestingly enough, dandelions have actually been used as foodstuff by various people, and they’ve been used medicinally in the past. The leaves can be used in a salad, and you can even make dandelion wine and jams. Of course, assuming you don’t want to graze on dandelion leaves anytime soon, try some of the above options to get rid of these weeds.