Finding Professional Care Lawn Services
You're sick and tired of taking care of your lawn, or you've become physically unable to do so. The kid down the block just doesn't do the kind of quality work you'd like, but you aren't sure whether or not any professional care lawn services will be within your budget. Rest assured...there are many professional care lawn services out there that you can afford. But you'll need to be careful, because there are also many companies offering unprofessional care lawn services as well.
How often would you like your yard mowed? Does your property require full landscape maintenance? Are you often away and need the yard cared for in your absence? These questions all factors into choosing which professional care lawn services you should consult. If you just need a mowing now and then, without much regularity, go for a mom and pop type small operation. For frequent mowing, trimmings and the like, seek out an experienced larger firm. Bigger lawns will require heavy duty equipment, so small firms most likely won't meet your needs.
Interview Potential Providers
Call around, and ask around. Once you find a few, contact them. Ask providers to come out to your location to examine the property and provide you with a quote. If someone is unwilling to meet with you to obtain your business, move on quickly. Unfortunately, the world is full of scammers. Make sure you ask any professional care lawn services for references from current customers, and do a check online with the Better Business Bureau if the firm is large scale. No one wants untrustworthy people lurking around their property, especially if you aren't at home while they're working.
Never pay anyone in full up front. Within this particular industry, it is expected that payment is not provided until services are rendered. If a fee is over $100 and this is your first experience with a firm, they may require a deposit. As long as it's reasonable and you've done your homework you should be fine. But trust your instincts...if something seems fishy, don't bite. If things aren't working out with your provider, don't be afraid to let them go. Always remember that you're paying them, not the other way around. Once you've found the provider of your dreams, tell everyone about them. New business helps them stay in business, so your good word is invaluable. And don't forget to tip now and then.