Crystal Skull; Real or Fiction?
One of the most enigmatic mysteries of the modern and dare say the ancient world is the phenomenon of the crystal skulls. These carved pieces are cut and modeled to look like the human skull. There are said to be about 13 major crystal skulls though many pop up from time to time and are found to be hoaxes. There are several that defy science to discover how they were made.
These crystal skulls were said to be found in various locations around the world including Mayan ruins. They are often made and cut out of single pieces of quartz crystal in techniques that are not even possible today. Many scientists say because of that some of these crystal skulls should not even be.
Famous Skulls
One of the most famous of the crystal skulls is the Mitchell-Hedges skull. It was said to have been found in around 1927 by Anna Mitchell-Hedges in a temple in what is today Belize. Later findings have said that her father actually bought the piece at an auction. Nonetheless this fascinating crystal skull has continued to draw interest and amazement. It is superbly fashioned out of quartz crystal and has a movable hinged jaw. It almost precisely looks like a female skull.
Since its discovery this crystal skull has defied logic in how it could have been created. Scientists have said the skull was formed form one single piece of quartz crystal. It doesn’t have any scratches that would show the tooling that created it. As well it was not created on the usual crystal axis that keeps the pieces from shattering. It was estimated that the piece would take about 300 years to complete.
The elder Mitchell-Hedges said in his first autobiography that he had found the crystal skull in a Mayan temple and that it was approximately 3600 years old. This of course has led to theories that the crystal skull is not from this planet. It has been said to have come from alien technology or from Atlantis. Skeptics abound in the authenticity of this crystal skull as well as many of the others that have been found to be hoaxes. The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull has continued to draw fame and controversy in its presence.
Max is another unusual crystal skull that tours on the metaphysical circuit. It too is said to be from a Mayan tomb. Its owner was Joanna Parks was a Tibetan spiritualist. Max is toured around the country by the Parks family. People are allowed to spend time and sit with the skull. Many say their experience psychic phenomena and expanded awareness during the process.
It seems the mystery of the crystal skulls will continue to fascinate enthusists until a method is found to fully date and analye them.