Take seven to nine minutes to look at this list of ten people and their telephone numbers. Then copy all ten people onto a piece of paper, close the book, and see if you can write the telephone number next to each one, from memory. Remember that if you were to dial one wrong digit, you would get the wrong party—so, if only one digit in the number is wrong, you get no score on that particular one. I will remind you to take this test again, after you've read through Chapter 19. Give yourself 10 points for each telephone number that you list correctly.

 Baker — TA 5-3174  Banker — SU 9-4281
 Tailor —RH 3-8295  Mr. Karpel — RE 8-9714
 Shoemaker — JU 60746  Doctor — TA 7-1015
 Dentist —WA 4-6904  Mr. Goldberg —WA 6-8222
 Mr. Bookman — CO 5-1127  Mr. Corrigan — CA 9-4132

Write your score here ____. Score after learning Chapter 19 ____.

(P.S: Write down your score on a piece of paper and keep it so that you can compare your score later.)

Test Your Memory


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