Take about three minutes to try to memorize the twenty objects listed here, by number. Then try to list them yourself without looking at the book. You must remember not only the object, but to which number it belongs. You'll be reminded to take this test again, after you've read Chapter 6. Give yourself 5 points for every object that you put with the correct number.

1. radio
2. airplane
3. lamp 
6. telephone
7. chair
8. horse 
11. dress
12. flower
13. window 
16. bread
17. pencil
18. curtain 
4. cigarette
5. picture
9. egg
10. tea cup 
14. perfume
15. book 
19. vase
20. hat 

Write your score here ____. Score after learning Chapter 6 ____.

(P.S: Write down your score on a piece of paper and keep it so that you can compare your score later.)

Test #3



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